03.09.2002 V2.1a ---------------- o Fixed Password bug in DServer. o Removed GameMonitor from DServer, to reduce cpu usage of DServer. 01.09.2002 V2.1 --------------- o Included completely reworked and massively extended AmigaGuide documentation done by David "Davar" Arbuthnot. o Thanks to Ilkka "iti" Lehtoranta dynAMIteGFX.library and dynAMIteAI.library are now also available as native PPC libraries for MorphOS. o Players can get resurrected only twice now. Taking a heart does not add a life to your lifecount anylonger. o Games with only one human player participating do not account for highscore any longer. o Changed back the way how TeleportAll works. If picked up, it will teleport every player to a random place. o Graphics routines have been optimized even further. o Dead players are now able to walk around and drop exactly one heart per death. o Playerstats on top of playfield can now be switched to a more compact form by using the new command /compact from within the chatwindow. o Colours in bubbles can now be changed in an easier way. Use @t[1-8] to change text colour and @b[1-8] to change background colour. o Trace-task of DServer never closed bsdsocket.library. Fixed. o Afterburner never ran out once picked up. Fixed. o Added UPTIME Arexx command to DServer. Returns uptime, or seconds if additional argument SECS is provided. o It is now possible to add lasers to a map. 8 new blocktypes have been added for this new feature. Four for normal lasers and 4 for lasers hidden in destroyable blocks. o Fuselength for players wasn't set in dynAMIteMapLab after loading a map. Fixed. o Afterburner powerup will now add to the afterburner time. This means, the more you pick up, the longer the explosion will last. o dynAMIte now uses XPK (Nuke) to compress custom player graphics. dynAMIte will start without having XPK installed but loses the ability to use custom player graphics then. o It's now possible to have your own custom gfx for your player. To have custom graphics, you have to create another set (.gfx/.msk/.otl) of player graphics and place it into PROGDIR:styles/. By default, dynAMIte checks for custompuppet.gfx. By using PUPPET=filename (without .gfx suffix) as tooltype or shellargument, you are able to specify a custom gfx set with a different name. Everything is done to keep bandwidth requirements as low as possible. To achive this, DServer and dynAMIte are caching all custom gfx locally and only request graphics, when files have been updated by the other side. o Moved most of gfx and all soundcode to appropriate external libraries. Put them into PROGDIR:. This way it's easier to replace timecritical code by some interested programmers. o It's now possible to simply hop to the next available slot, either to the right or to the left, by pressing shift-cursor-left/right or using the shoulder-buttons of the CD³² pad. o CD32 Play/Pause button can now be used to switch between observer and player. o Abandoned old style format in favour of a more flexible style format. If you are a stylecreator, please have a look at one of the provided styles, preferrably dynAMIte-style, because this style is complete. Styles don't need to have all gfx present. If one or more gfx files are missing, dynAMIte will fall back to dynAMIte-style for the missing file(s). explosion.gfx / set pixel at x=0/y=135 to pen 0 to switch to extended blockexplosion animation (8 frames) bombs.gfx / set pixel at x=0/y=16 to pen 0 to switch to "bounce"-mode for kickbombs sprites.gfx / set pixel at x=0/y=24 to pen 0 to switch to extended angel animation (5 frames) o Wormholes never transported a player to the next WH. Fixed. o The number that used to show the number of dropped bombs from the last game in loginscreen now shows the rank of the player instead. o Colors of sprites in darkness/nightvision were wrong. Fixed. o Added experimental teammode. Use /team and /unteam. Powerups which do not affect teammembers of the same team are: Slower, Longer Fuse, Shorter Flame, Swap Controls, Fewer Bombs, No Drop, Stop, Darkness. o DServer ARexx command 'MAPS' didn't work for the last few versions. Fixed. o Hurryup didn't work as expected when only one player was present. Fixed. o Compiled again with CreativE 2.12.3 by Tomasz Wiszkowski. 13.05.2000 V2.0 CD ------------------ o Duell did not work for other bots if one bot picked up duell item. Fixed. o String in chatwindow couldn't be edited anymore since v2.0. Fixed. o Removed workaround for amarquee.library V53. o Requires amarquee.library V54 now. o The player who picks up darkness item will see the playfield through some kind of nightvision. o Darkness isn't so dark anymore (re darkness sucks). o Sped up pen allocation a bit. o Fixed a bug when deallocating pens for halfbright dynamite-logo. o Fixed a possible enforcerhit while teleporting. o Did some more asm optimizations (sprite funcs). 30.04.2002 V2.0 --------------- o Artificial intelligence made by Ilkka "iti" Lehtoranta has received a complete overhaul resulting in AI2.0 o Client will now close the connection to the server if it hasn't received a ping for 30 seconds. o Added a check for mapjump pickup to prevent maps being played over and over again. o Fixed a bug when deallocating bubbles after they have been used. o Bots running on the server are now able to do bubbles too. o GSL now displays number of bots. o Added a workaround for amarquee v53 session ip bug. Now gets the hostname of the session, could break clone detection in some rare cases. o Fixed a serious bug which caused the game to never end when someone died exactly when hurryup mode was activated. o Slightly changed Teleport-All powerup. Instead of teleporting every player to a random position, players will now be teleported to the position of the player who picked up this item. o Fixed a bug where kick/remotebombs caused invisible blocks. o Bots are now able to kill themselves. o Keymappings are saved now. o DServer will now stop a game if no human player is participating in it. o Initial bombs will no longer turn into blocks if a player picks up a bombs2block bonus. This was changed back to old way because several maps are created to use this behaviour and didn't work that well with the new behaviour. o DServer never closed Amarquee sessions since 1.9. Fixed. o Added new powerup for now missing flashbombs -> darkness. o Flashbombs have been removed because of lack of actual usefulness. o If DServer was listed in GSL and it was quit, it was very possible httptask simply stalled because of synchronous message communication with DServer (DServer didn't check msgport while waiting for httptask to quit) o You could drop as many flashbombs as you wanted. Fixed. Obsolete bugfix, see above. o It's now possible to set maximum number of CPU players in DServer. o Increased treshhold of flood detection a bit to make it possible to kick 8 bots in a row :) o DServer now displays the local ip in the status window on startup. o Recompiled again with AmigaE 3.3a because of some unexpected problems. 31.12.2001 V1.9 --------------- o It's now possible to reconfigure some of the keys dynAMIte uses. o Style and sample requesters are now opened on the same screen dynAMIte is running on. o Added search function to highscore/userlist of the server. o Recompiled with CreativE 2.12.3 o Sysopname is now also considered for nicknamecompletion on tab in client. o Fixed a silly bug which occurred after pressing "Abort" in the mapscan window. Once pressed, no mapscanning or GSL updating was done anymore. o Current style and current sample set is now displayed in screentitle if dynAMIte window is active. o added 3 new samples: flashbomb.snd - used for the actual pup flashexplosion.snd - guess flashdrop.snd - guess o Added flash bombs. These bombs aren't deadly, but they will make you kind of blind for a few seconds, because they spread a very intense light. o Serverchat now also displays the time in the listview. o It's now possible to switch off the fx fades at the end of a game. o Being remotely logged off from a server during a game won't increase gamecounter of the player any longer. o If a player runs into fartgas, he will be poisoned and start to cough. A countdown to death begins and the poison kills him unless he manages to collect a skull. The only protection against farts is a shield. o Added a new "baked beans" powerup, which gives you the ability to fart around and poison other players with deadly foul gas. o Remotebombs now move with the same speed like the actual bombowner. o Current player position and remotebomb position is now transmitted to all clients in intervals of 1 second. o Lasers will now shorten the fuse of bombs. o Added code to prevent dynAMIte to be hacked by embedded escape sequences in chat messages and other stuff. o Reworked chatcommand handling in dynAMIte. o Added new bonus/blocktype (it's actually a combination of both) which happens to be some kind of special teleporter called "The Worm Hole" (scary). Entering a TWH will transport a player to another randomly chosen TWH. o Kickbomb bonus now randomly adds 2-10 kickbombs to a players kickbombbag. o Added new tooltype/shellargument (TESTMAPS). With this option it's now possible to let DServer only scan maps in maps/.test directory and ignore all other directories. Hope this is helpful for map creators who don't want to let DServer scan all maps, just because they only want to test some new maps. o Added 2 Commands to allow players to either bring in new CPU players, or to kick them. Commands are: /loadbot /kickbot o The amount of initial computer players can now be set in DServer settings. o Finally, dynAMIte offers some kind of CPU players (for all of you who like to play by themselves without being online for example). CPU players require dynAMIteAI.library programmed by Ilkka "iti" Lehtoranta. o On MapJump/Restart players will only be accounted for one game now. o Added /hops command. This command displays the hop count of all players. o A new blocktype has been added. This new block (pi-block) is an extreme durable version of the normal destroyable block and needs to be hit twice by an explosion. o Fixed a bug which had overwritten some bytes of the player data in DServer by mistake. Did no harm as far as i can tell. o DServer now does a traceroute to each player logged in to get the hop count. DServer adds another task, which handles all tracing activities. o Rewritten some of the subtask handling code in DServer, to get it more straight. o DServer now displays the total number of maps in the maps window. o DServer now displays the port where it was started for in the window title. o Maps are from now on stored by author. This means, every map creator has his own directory within the maps directory. DServer will move all maps found in the maps root directory to the corresponding author directory. Because of this, DServer can take some minutes at the first start, so don't be worried if it takes a bit longer. o Changing online mode of DServer while downloading maps caused no maps to be downloaded at all. Fixed. o The Ranking in DServer should now be displayed correctly. o Minimum explosion range has been decreased to 1 (minimum was 2 before). o dynAMIteMapLab didn't save hurry up time. Fixed. o Added a new menuentry to make it possible to switch off auto-update of the highscore after a game. o DServer now packs all messages for each client in a special packet, so that only one large message is sent to clients instead of many small ones. This helps to reduce traffic/network overhead. o dynAMIte could freeze on maximum sized maps, because one blitlist wasn't initialised for the last "blockline". o Once connected local, it wasn't possible to connect to any server from GSL any longer. Fixed. o DServer could wait forever on a certain signal at programend. Fixed. 03.09.2001 V1.8 --------------- o Last player logged in with 1.7a could not be killed, neither could he chat or control his figure. o Fixed a small memleak at server end. Bug was introduced with 1.7a. o Local player switching to observer mode caused the server to hang. Fixed. o Added /repeat command. This command repeats the last played map. o Internal message passing completely changed. o Fixed a bug which was introduced in V1.7a (jump out of message loop) which has caused certain messages to be not handled at all. This could have lead to all kinds of problems. o Bubble messages were sent multiple times. Bug was introduced with 1.7a. Fixed. o Added a new sound. dropkickbomb.snd is played everytime a player drops a kickbomb. 27.09.2001 V1.7a ---------------- o DServer now saves the settings everytime you change them in settingswindow. o Bubbles were shown corrupt for one frame after the next bubble was going to be displayed. Fixed. o dynAMIte now needs identify.library V13, V12 won't be accepted any longer. (->http://www.shredzone.de/download/amiga/IdentifyUsr.lha) o DServer now jumps out of message reading loop if a certain amount of messages are handled, allowing it to check timers and such. This could solve some lag/pingtimeout problems if there are many players and heavy action is going on. o DServer never deleted tgwnn.players.bak before renaming old players file to .bak and thus no new .bak was created. Fixed. o It is now possible to directly connect local without the use of TCP/IP. See "local" checkbox. o Changes for bot developers: - Removed "kickbomb" from player struct. - Bomblist isn't per player anymore but it is one list for all players now. See dynasema.bomblist o Fixed several annoying and stupid inconvincies with DServer settings which were not saved if the settings window wasn't opened at least once until the server got quit. (where have I put my brain?) o Added a workaround for a possible NList bug (enforcer hits caused by strange "messages" passed to display hook) which seem to occur only if a line is wordwrapped and gets removed. o Rewritten most of chat code. Should be slightly faster now. o Did some small overall optimizations to dynAMIte and DServer. o Changed PingWatch(tm). Players now won't be kicked after 2 minutes of "horrible" ping. Instead he will be given a warning and if the ping stays that bad after another minute, the player will be removed from the server. o Average ping value displayed in lagkick message was always the average ping of the first player. Fixed to display the right value. o Tightened mainloop and spared 1 timer in dynAMIte. o Replaced "Fade no. 13" (the one which looks weird) by a different fade. o DServer now uses one timer less (merged pingtimeout- and uptime-timer) 15.09.2001 V1.7 --------------- o MapLab: Added Line draw-mode. o MapLab: Previews are now drawn for box and filledbox draw-modes. o MapLab: Fixed a bug if mousebutton was released outside of drawarea. o Colourcode used at the start of a bubble is now used by all bubbles in the line. o GSL now also shows PingWatch(tm) value. o We decided to change how connection speeds are set in DServer to make selection of the appropriate speed more reasonable. Connection speeds must now be specified both for up- and downstream. This will make it also easier for players to see what servers might cause lag. o Completely changed the way dynAMIte handles sprites and brings them to the screen including restoring damaged window areas. Results in less cpu usage caused by this routines. o Do you see the angels? o The volume for sound effects can now be set (0-200%). o It is now possible to set the number of channels, dynAMIte should use for sound effects. Please see the documentation (Arguments/Tooltypes) for further explanation. o dynAMIte logo now indicates wether the gamewindow is active or not. o DServer now also displays the average ping response time of players in a two minute scale. If a player has an average pingtime of more than x seconds (setable by the sysop) above the average ping of all players at the end of these 2 minutes, he will be kicked. o Unsupported servers by the client (version-wise) in GSL are now displayed red and can't be selected for connection. o To make old maps attractive again, DServer now has the option to mirror maps randomly in either x or y or in both directions. o dynAMIte now features a Lag'O'Meter which is displayed on the bottom of the window in form of a growing/shrinking bar using different colours. The Lag'O'Meter doesn't cause any additional traffic. This is done by using the fact that each serverping comes in every 5 seconds and if the serverping is delayed, the client knows the actual lag. The colour scheme used to display lag to the player is as follows: Lag Colour <=0.5 seconds Green <=1 second Yellow <=2 seconds Orange <5 seconds Red >=5 seconds Red and blinking o Players now start to smoke if they get too near to a laser. o Fixed a light-sabre bug which has led to reads from random memory addresses. o Fixed another memory bug, which was rather hard to nail down (thanks to iti for his help on this one). This bug caused mungwall/muguardianangel hits when DServer was quit (dedicated to Batman, who reported these hits a long time ago). o Fixed some rather harmless memory bugs, which could have caused dynAMIte and DServer to eat all memory after some days of being run (depending on the memory available :)). Memory was freed after dynAMIte and/or DServer were quit though. o If the highscorewindow is open after a battle, it will update itself to the new highscore (requesting new highscore from server). o If the server is rescanning maps, the game is now halted displaying an appropriate text in the gamewindow. o Logging into a server will now add a special line to the chatlist/gameinfolist containing the servername. o Fixed enforcerhits if highscore contained less than 10 entries. o Map Comment, if available, is now also displayed in mapinfo-text. o Gameinfolist is cleared too if "clear chatbuffer" is selected from the menu. o "bring to front" option has no effect any longer if you are switched to observermode. o "bring to front" will now remember which window was active the last time (game- or chatwindow) and activate it again if this option is enabled. o A player should now always land in the middle of a swappositions bonus after the bonus got picked up by someone else. o Fixed a bug with ratio-bar. Ratio-bar was green if a player had a very low ratio. o Remotebombs moving over an explosion caused the block under the remotebomb not to be replaced by mapbackground. Fixed. o Fixed a bug with wordwrapping on bubbletexts which could have led to too long texts. o Safety requester for rescanning maps (if players are logged in) won't block the server any longer. o Fixed a really nasty bug when memory for blitnodes was allocated that could have caused vital memory being overwritten and also memory leaks and software failures when quitting dynAMIte. o Added another sound which is played when you get logged off by ping timeout (pingtimeout.snd) o Logging into a server while a game is running and typing /map will now show the current mapname instead of an empty text. o Fixed a bug which sometimes caused switched players to be logged off by pingtimeout. o Highscore in DServer was sorted before winquota was calculated which means the order of the highscore wasn't always correct. Fixed. o DServer now also shows how many messages were sent/received. 21.07.2001 V1.6 --------------- o dynAMIte now loads for each player a specific explosion sample (explode1.snd - explode8.snd). For maps with default bomb explode.snd is used. If samples from 1-8 are missing explode.snd is used. o Added GFA-Basic (yuck) developer files. Thanks to Ingo Musquinier for creating them. o DServer: Maps with exact height of 30 lines always showed the mapparameters as creator of the map. Fixed. o Starting a new game from within the client will now start with a delay of 2 seconds, so players have time to logoff or do other thing in this neverending 2 seconds ;) o DServer: Added uptime, data sent and data received to mainwindow. o Added new command /request which makes it possible for players to download maps from The Vault directly onto the server, so they can be played immediately. o Developer: Added dynasema.botinfo where your bot should set a version string and some additional information about himself. Could become useful in the future. o Chatbufferlimit for client can now be specified. o Styles: Reworked all standard styles to support new powerups. Also removed the light sabre background which was still there for a few versions (which isn't necessary) o DServer: longest and shortest match/playtime was swapped. Fixed. o Your own player now flashes in negtive colors if a game starts instead of flashing in the player color, which made the flashing nonexistant if the player was already (only) in the same color. o Developer: Added version to dynamite semaphore, so it's finally possible to check if your bot is compatible with dynamite. o Changed some code in client which handles connecting to gsl and server that was called from within a hook. Hope this helps the amarquee problems a bit :) o DServer: IP can now be specified. Either static or dynamic. o Bots are now also affected by STOP item :) o Developer: dynasema.addbubble is now a PTR TO CHAR (char*) instead of the previous array. So be careful when adding bubble with old code. o Developer: each line of sema.grid is now WORD sized (PTR TO INT), each line of sema.bonusgrid and sema.explosiongrid is CHAR sized (PTR TO CHAR) o Dserver now should also save the order and the width of the playerlist. o Developer: range in tempbomb isn't WORD but LONG (was wrong in C and Assembler includes). Fixed. o Developer: Added another gamestate: GAME_NOTCONNECTED which is set, if the game is not connected to any server (startscreen) o Developer: New maparray available: dynasema.explosionmap which holds "1" for every field of the map that is currently affected by an explosion. o Developer: Updated includes with new powerups (BO_FLAG...) o DServer now also saves the state of "Hide Powerups" checkbox. o New Bonus: Swap Positions. Exchanges the positions of the players, so player 1 will be teleported where player 2 stands and, if no other player plays player 2 will be teleported to player ones position. o New Bonus: Jump Map. Jumps to a map which can be specified in MapLab. If no map is specified this Bonus leads to a random map. This bonus won't show up during normal game play but only, if the mapcreator has set it somewhere into the map. o New Bonus: Restart Map. Restarts the current map. Works only for 3 times for the same map. After this 3 times, all Restarts will be removed from the map. This bonus won't show up during normal game play but only, if the mapcreator has set it somewhere into the map. o New Bonus: Teleport All. Teleports all players except you. o Fixed a rather nasty bug which caused a certain memory area being overwritten with zero after resetting some player statistics before a new game started. o DServer: Scanning for and of maps at server startup is now almost twice as fast as before. Also improved scanning of maps in general. o HurryUp timeout can now be specified in maps, so that it's possible to customise the time until HurryUp-mode will be activated. o All blocks in a style are now rearranged internally to lie on xx bit boundaries, for some speedup in copy functions (also fixes some mutools cmq()-unaligned hits I think). o Shield is now also drawn if your player is invisble (on your own screen only of course). o Due to some changes in the last version no messages were sent anymore to notify the player if the sysop changed the max player/observer values. o If you are invisble and you become visible again the player sprite will now start to change it's state from transparency to normal and back a few times. o Changed the shield again. The blue glow is replaced by a flashing outline of the sprite. 24.06.2001 V1.5 --------------- o MapLab: Saving maps without players results in a requester, telling you how stupid it would be to save a map without players. o MapLab: Toolbar is now on the left side of the window. o MapLab: Added "invert" button to maskwindow. o MapLab: Now saves creator, so you don't have to set it everytime. o MapLab: dynAMIteMapLab no longer has the graphics build into the exe but will load it from disk as dynAMIteMapLab.gfx so that it's finally possible to use MapLab with your favorite gfx style. o Added a flag bonus. As soon as one player picks this bonus up, all other players will die, so that the player who picked up the flag wins. It will not show up during gameplay unless the mapcreator has set it somewhere in the map. o The server will now send a "clonewarning" to all clients if a player logs in twice or more times with the same IP. o Times for the shortest, longest and current game are now displayed below the playfield. o It is now possible to give a reason when logging off (/disconnect, /quit) o It is now shown in the chatwindow if a player dies. o If a new game starts, current mapname and some informations about the map are now displayed in the chatwindow. o DServer now holds statistics for each map. For this, the server will create a new directory ("stats") in progdir:maps/ which will contain all map statistics. o MapLab: Mapname is now reset if "New Map" is selected. o Fixed a bug which was introduced with a small change on blitting operations which caused gfx leftovers on fullwindow refresh. o Fixed a bug with visitors and dropall pickup where every visitor dropped a bomb for player 1. o Highscore window will now also be un/snappshotted when selecting the apropriate menuitem. o Blocks which could be (and are) drawn over by explosions and so causing invisible blocks are now restored after each explosion (gravestones will look like normal blocks after restoring) o DServer now shows statistics for every map in mapwindow. o DServer: Maps which have already been played are now displayed bold (per serversession) o It's now possible to enter whole sentences for bubble texts. Texts which are too long are split over more bubbles. Also increased fkey settings to 64 cahrs. o Thanks to a tip by ingo I could get rid of my own colortext class and instead simply use \eP[] with normal text.mui :) o DServer: Max. linebuffer in serverchat window is now limited to 255 lines to prevent the server to eat up all memory after a few days. o Developer: Added serverdata to dynasema o Developer: Changed the meaning of dynasema.gamerunning a bit. dynasema.gamerunning now shows the state of the game (one of GAME_#? types) o Developer: dynasema.player was broken in that way, that only player 0 was available as pointer. Fixed. o Ping values are now finally calculated correctly. o Gloweffects were using slow E version of the code. Reenabled ASM optimzed code for gloweffects (which is roughly 2 times faster). o Included fixed dynabot.c and added BotFrame.c. Fixed and created by Stephen Illingworth. o Stringgadgets for fkeysettings are now also using BetterString when available to make it easier to enter color codes. o Added /setpw command to be able to change your password for the server without the need to inform the sysop to change it. o Status icons for swapcontrols were not reset if an enemy picked up again reverse controls. o Added another flag to style files to enable/disable extended blockexplosion animation (plays 8 frames instead of 4 frames pingpong). If your style provides the new anim, you have to set the pixel at position 3/188 (x/y) to any colour than 0. The new blockanimation has to be present under the lightsabre gfx if you enable this feature. o dynAMIte now opens ahi.device directly after being started, so that you can change the audiomode at any time. o /info output displayed ppc info for "Style:" and missed style info completely. Fixed. o Bubbletexts weren't centered anymore. Fixed. 04.06.2001 V1.4 --------------- o Added /pause and /score commands. o Changed how swapcontrols work. If change controls (up/down or left/right) is picked up the controls are just switched. So if you already had changed controls and one picks up another changecontrol your controls will be back 2 normal. o Dropping bombs and picking up Bombs2Blocks powerup fast consecutive (like it's possible in Axe_112) caused invisible blocks on the other players playfield. o Players will now be placed exactly onto the field they are staying in the map on duel or basically everytime a remote bomb is picked up. o It's now possible to create coloured bubbles. To add a colour to a bubble, start the bubbletext with ascii-1 to ascii-8 (CTRL-a to CTRL-h). o Fixed a bug that caused strange powerups to appear if there were too many hurry-up items in a map (like imbe_100). o Player are now also y-sorted during countdown, so they will overlap other players "perspectively" correct. o Added initial laser, initial kickbombs and initial fuselength for players to mapdescription. Changed MapLab to support the new defaults. o Fixed a bug which let dynAMIte crash on certain maps (imbe_108) or under certain circumstances. o Server hotlist is now sortable by drag&drop. o Added an interface for 3rd party programmers. It's now possible to code your own (intelligent) bots and maybe even beat other bots (who codes the best AI, anyone? :)) o Last column in DServer was missing (last login), because of added WinQuota. o MapLab: Added comment string to map properties to be able to enter a comment to maps. o Gravestones should no longer be drawn over by explosions and so causing invisible blocks. o It's now possible to switch between observer and game mode at any time except if you started a battle. o Starting a text with "*" in the string gadget (chat) will now display the text after the "*" in the next bubble. Pressing "*" while game window is active will clear the current text in the string gadget. Also incrased max. textlength for bubbles to 8 chars. o All keyboardinputs (except cursor and shift/alt keys) during a game will now also be displayed in the string gadget (chat), while the game window is active. o If you weren't in top10 and connected to new server and were then in top10 your last ranking (last entry in highscore list) wasn't cleared. o Gloweffects didn't work anymore. Fixed. o Fixed gfxleftover from laser after a gravestone was added and the laser still was over the gravestone. o Cursor/Joystick-Up does nothing anymore. To switch to observer-mode press Amiga-P or select the corresponding menuitem "switch". o Visitors (err, observers) were also counted for games so their game count increased for every game they watched as observer. o Renamed Visitor-mode to Observer-mode. o Bubbles are now queued which means pressing a few fkeys consecutive will show them all one after the other in the correct order. o Cleaned up my keyboard today. Now RETURN and CTRL are working again. o Players disconnected because of too much lag (pingtimeout) will now be notified of this instead of just "TCP Connection Closed (-4)" message. o Changed the way the server ping works. o Shielddisplay wasn't set back when a new game started. Fixed. o Added WinQuotient to /stats output. 13.05.2001 V1.3a ---------------- o Fixed a nasty divide by zero bug that was introduced with the new winquotient. 11.05.2001 V1.3 --------------- o Highscore changes: Previous to this release, the player with the most won games was first in the highscore. Now the rank is computed by both, the ratio and the won games. (ratio=won_games/games; winquotient=won_games*ratio) o DServer: Doubleclicking a player in the server listview will select the player in the highscore list and opens the highscore window if necessary. o Added /stats [nick] command. o Changed the way highscore data is sent to the clients. o Sped up overall graphics output. o Sped up drawing of explosions by 3 to 4 frames. o Clients will be notified now if the sysop changes the maximum amount of players and visitors, so the client adjusts the display of figures according to the number of players. o Your own player will now flash for a short time after teleporting. o Phoenix bonus (the heart) won't appear during "Hurry Up" any longer. o Players can now only be resurrected 3 times by default. Picking up phoenix bonus (the heart) will increase the number of resurrections left of the player who picked it up. o After rescanning maps in DServer the first listview column was only 1 (or so) pixel wide. Fixed. o Added "max. window size" option. o Changed something with skull item (uhh.. hidden feature?) o Fixed a bug that caused sending the current player pos to all clients after dropping a bomb for at least 15 frames (mucho unnecessary traffic caused by this bug) o Added experimental visitormode. o Gamewindow will now be reset to its original size after each round. o Pressing SPACE or the yellow button of the joypad toggles infotexts in loginscreen now (window has to be active of course if using SPACE). o MapLab: Moved "Tools" to mainwindow. o Added some kind of bubbles to the game. Take a look at the F-Key Settings and try F1-F10 and 0-9 and the yellow button on your pad during the game. o "Help"-key is now used to switch between game and chatwindow instead of F10. o Fixed two memleaks in chat message functions of DServer. o Completely changed the countdown. Countdown is now run, like the actual game, frame by frame instead of just updating the gfx if a number should change. This results in almost the same CPU consumption as in the game, but makes some other nice things possible. See next 2 points. o Your own player is now flashing in its textcolour during the countdown to make it easier for you to locate him. o It's now possible to move your player during the countdown, to easier locate him. o Changed lots internal things which should make gameplay run slighlty smoother. o Data is now sent only after a frame, so messages gets first collected and are then send to the server instead of sending each message separate. Saves some overhead. o Localized the whole server and game. o The players countrycode will now be shown in loginscreen. o New command: /Info nick - displays the specified players system. o MapLab: Afterburner bonus wasn't saved for a map. 07.03.2001 V1.2 --------------- o DServer caused enforcerhits if one logged in without password and the server was listed in GSL. As a sideeffect the server won't send any message to the GSL if a user was kicked because of wrong version/password. o DServer now is several times faster on startup when scanning maps and loading playerdata (playing tricks with nlist.mcc that is). o Fixed a bug that caused the window to follow kickbombs instead of remotebombs if the window was too small to display the whole playfield. o Fixed /ping o Added a flag to the style to switch kickbombs from play once (fly mode) to loop play like normal bombs. Set pixel at pos 0/187 (x/y) to enable loop play. o Blocks which become bombs are now also counted for hurryup bonus. o Chatwindow now opens behind the actual playwindow on startup if "autoopen on startup" is selected. o It's no longer possible to select a new sample-set while connected to a server. o If "bring to front" option is active the gamewindow will now also be activated. o Sometimes the first servers of the GSL were cut. Fixed. o Pressing kickbutton for slot 1 if no player was logged caused hits. Fixed. o Laser is now drawn using sprites which means colour 0 is transparent. o Improved keyboard controls. Now the game should no longer slow down while pressing and holding alt+cursor keys. Big thanks to iti for his help on this one. o Fixed another bug which prevented remotebombs from exploding if one pressed fire. o Changed some things in mainloop to speed it up. Hope this breaks nothing. o dynAMIte now only allocates the audiochannels, if one is connected to a server, so it won't block the channels if the game is iconified/idling. o Amarquee session and some memory wasn't freed on an error if GSL or versioncheck failed (has eaten up all shellsigs after a few tries). o Specifing proxy as tooltype should have done nothing for DServer until now :) o GSL now works from a central URL which always redirects to a working GSL-Server (at least this is the theory) o On a request I removed "got ping-request from" message, so it won't be displayed in the chat window any longer if someone pings you. o Removed some unnecessary calls to refresh the window. Should give a slight speedup. o Throwing kickbombs while walking will increase their range by 6 fields. 28.03.2001 - V1.1 ----------------- o It's now possible to load different sample-sets from the menu. o Loading of styles outside of PROGDIR:Styles/ is now possible. o Added FPS display (16 fps is normal frame rate the game is running at). o Fixed a bug in dynAMIteMapLab which made the Toolbox and some buttons rather useless if it was started from Workbench. o Fixed a bug in OS3.0 safewritechunky() routine. Graphics were drawn one pixel too low. o Added /msg command. o Added /ping command. /ping will ping all players + server, so no arguments needed. o "Edit Map" in DServer didn't work because of wrong filename for MapLab. o Gravestones are now precalculated, so they won't be drawn as sprite over the actual playfield any longer but are drawn as normal block. o Added winratio display to loginscreen in form of a green bar. o "won" now is displayed white in loginscreen after a battle. o Pen wasn't freed in timebar class. Fixed. o HTTP request in client for receiving gsl was sent twice. o Changed Back2Basics. Now reverse controls is just active for a very short time. Slowdown for about 10 seconds. Bombs are decreased by 3 and flame is decreased by 5. o Picking up several shields will now add to the total time this item is active. o "Slower" item now adds to the time this item is active for the other players. It will make them not as slow as before, so one i able to walk against magnets. o Bombs will now tick faster or slower depending on the fuselength. o Picking up Back2Basics bonus will now also remove invisibility and shield. o Added Afterburner bonus. This bonus will make all explosions last longer from the player who picked it up for some seconds. The more you pickup, the longer you will have this special feature. o Changed highscore a bit. 1:x ratio isn't shown any longer. o Removed the need for .col files for styles. The text colour for each player must now be specified in the .gfx file itself. Take a look at dynAMIte.gfx. o Reintroduced welose.snd. This sample is played if the own player dies. o Changed server to use a doulby linked list instead of a fixed array for handling of players. Maybe it gives some speedup. o DServer will now load its own configfile for each instance. o Remote bombs are reacting now the same way as normal bombs, eg. they will explode if a bomb explodes beside them. o The upper string fields and the speed cycle gadget in dserver settings window are now in the cyclechain. o Remote bomb bug should be fixed (sometimes they wouldn't want to explode if one pressed fire). o Added small sort-button to the server hotlist. o Dead players won't get a remote bomb any longer if someone picks up a duel bonus. This change has led to some dicussions, so tell me your oppinion about this change please. o Light-sabre gfx leftovers should be a thing of the past now. o Added "bring screen/window to front on new game" option. o Fixed a bug that caused enforcerhits if some libs weren't found at startup. 12.03.2001 - V1.0 ----------------- o Initial Release